Thursday, October 27, 2005


well, i'm just confused of what i'm supposed to do at the moment. i'm in a sort of gloomy mood right now.

i guess i need some more time to sleep. you know, ramadhan has transformed me into a sleepy person. i had lack of sleep recently.

but thank God it's holiday! i don't have to go to that fu*king bloody school at 5.50 in the morning, don't have to do those assignments from my lovely teachers, don't have to listen to their lectures every single morning and go back home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

finally!! i can sleep!!

i'm hunger for some sleep.

but i still can't get enough about my sleep. i've slept for 6,5 hours today, but i still am wanting more.

Asshalatu khairumminannaum
Salat itu lebih baik daripada tidur


the result from me sleeping at noon is that i can't have some sleep at night, which is making me into some kind of night-howling-creature-something-something. Gosh, it's just too hard to close my stupid sipit eyes and fall in to a peaceful sleep...


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